Monday, March 16, 2015

Pitch #2 | The Royalty in the Other Castles: Online Comic

Comics are a huge part of nerd culture. Since its beginning, it has grown to earn a place as one of the corner stones of the culture. And whether you are an avid collector and reader or a casual onlooker and fan, the world of comics is a familiar world to every nerd. In recent years, the Internet breathed new life into the world of comic books. It offered a place for everyone and anyone to create, publish, and promote their own comics that broke the mold from the traditional comic book style of the past.

The Royalty in the Other Castles online comic strip is a weekly comic that discusses the world of nerd culture through the lens of four roommates that span multiple spectrums including race, sexuality, and gender. The overall tone of the comic will be humorous, but the discussion topics will be serious. The four characters will deal with everything from favorite show drama to harassment. The reason for making the characters span different spectrums is to help bring to light, not only gender issues and nerd culture, but other issues as well.


  1. Hi Undercover -

    What a creative idea! It reminds me of a scripted TV show, but as a comic strip. I think it's a really intriguing idea, and it's definitely something I would want to check out. I'm a social media professional, so from a marketing standpoint, this idea offers something really unique that would be fun to market to the general population, not just nerds. Would you be the writer and the artist, just one or the other, or either?

    Again, great idea!
    Twin B

  2. Undercover, this sounds really cool. Very original and it gets my vote for something worth exploring more deeply. I really like the perspective of the roommate thing. It reminds me of MTV's The Real World before it got lame and over-the-top. You'd have a great forum to run many different topics all through the different perspectives of the roommates. Perhaps even one roomie could play the role of devil's advocate? Great job!


  3. Hey there,

    Overall, really cool idea, and well-written piece. I would again suggest pumping up the tone a bit, and perhaps condensing the history of internet comics – I'm not sure that's a necessary part of the pitch. It might help to hear a little more about the type of humor/drama balance in the piece – maybe a summary of one arc plot?

    Good job!


  4. Hi Hipster,

    I think this pitch could be fleshed out with some technical jargon toward the end. Would you produce the comic to be delivered in an interactive medium? Would it be updated on the web? I think your idea is good but I'm curious about the end result. Cool idea nonetheless!

    Austin Kent
