Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Snippets of My Future

• meta-data snippets from my fictional future that I dream a little dream of each day •

SDCC 2020: Panel Schedule | Gender and Cosplay: Breaking Down Gender Roles with Style
Prominent Nerd Culture analyst The Undercover Hipster hosts her acclaimed cosplay and gender studies panel for a second year

The Undercover Hipster Interviews Prominent YouTube Celebrities on Nerd Culture Fiasco
...springing to action, The Undercover Hipster went straight to the horse's mouth, so to speak, to get reactions from prominent YouTube users on the incident...reactions are shocking...

Nerd Culture fighter The Undercover Hipster Teams Up with Anti-Harassment Project
...teams up with The Undercover Hipster, a well-known nerd culture analyst and activist, to spread the word about harassment in the cosplay subculture...

The Undercover Hipster Announced Teaching Gig on Twitter Last Week
...praised analyst The Undercover Hipster might be coming out of the shadows for a teaching job at their alma mater..."I'm so excited to give back! #ComingHome!"

TheUndercoverHipster (@UndercovaHipsta) | Twitter
The latest tweets from TheUndercoverHipster (@UndercovaHipsta). One does not simply analyse nerd culture. 

Home | Wønderland Cøsplay
...started by long-time cosplayer and nerd culture analyst Undercover Hipster as a way to promote equality and fun in her favorite subculture..."We wanted a judgement-free zone here..."


  1. These are really great! I love the panel discussion and the anti-harassment project ideas. I wish I had done my snippets post in this format.

    Great job,
    ~Twin B

  2. I like this, Undercover! Great work. I like how you used the meta as search results. Wish I had thought of this format. Nice how you put in your Twitter handle in here too. Very clever!

  3. Good job with the snippets! I like how some are more academic or official than others. My one comment is that the second one ends on a slightly "click-bait-y" note. Perhaps think of another comment?
